Proud of our past, excited for our future!

Clubs & Organizations

Holy Name (Men of St. Michael's Parish)
, IA
Meet the third Tuessday of each month (January-Mar and September-December) immediately following 5:30p.m. Mass; an evening meal is served/meeting follows.


 Tim Allen, President
 Kevin Berte, Vice President
 Ed Schmidt, Secretary
 Al Frideres, Treasurer
Rosary Society (Women of St. Michael's Parish)
Meet the second Tuesday of each month (January,March,September,November, December) immediately following 5:30p.m. Mass; an evening meal is served/meeting follows.


 Tara Illg, President
 Jennifer Allen, Vice President
 Colleen Kenyon, Secretary-Treasurer

Seely-Walsh Post 425 of the American Legion
Dale Zimmerman, Commander
601 Broad St
Whittemore , IA 50598
Phone: (515) 884-2648

Home of Kossuth County's Freedom Rock est. 7-03-2015

Seely-Walsh Post 425 of the American Legion, Whittemore, Iowa

Commander: Dan Green

Sons of the American Legion, Post 425, Whittemore, Iowa
Commander: Bill Simonson

Riders of the American Legion, Post 425, Whittemore, Iowa
 Mick Zimmerman

Whittemore Community Betterment Club
Ryan Nelson, Pres.
Meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Legion Hall


Ryan Nelson, President
Ashley Frideres, Vice President
Zona Thul, Secretary
Melanie Elbert
Stuart A. Simonson, Co-Treasurers
Whittemore Outdoor Club
Matthew Thul
, IA
Meets annually, the first Monday in April. Social Hour & Supper at 6:00 p.m. with the Business Meeting immediately following the meal. Held indoors at the Whittemore Legion


Matthew Thul,  President
                   , Secretary
Travis Nelson, Treasurer
Whittemore Public Library Book Discussion Group
Meets the last Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Library
Whittemore Warriors 4-H Club
Jeremy Thilges
The Whittemore 4-H Club meets the second Sunday of the month at the new Whittemore Fire Station. This is a Co-Ed Club
students in 4th - 12th grade that live in town or the country.Please call Jeremy with any questions.
Whittemore Women's Club
Meets the second Thursday of the month (Sept-April) at 7:00 p.m. (revolving location)


Janie Eischen, Co-President/Secretary
Rose Walker, Co-Secretary/President
Beverly Walker, Treasurer

What's Happening

8 Dec

American Legion Pancake Breakfast

Members of Seely-Walsh Post #425 of the American Legion serve delicious pancakes, fried eggs,
sausage and toast. Serving is from…
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21 Dec

Santa Claus Day & Merchant Drawings @Legion

Children visit Santa one last time and receive a bag of candy.
Drawings begin @ 11am at the Whittemore American Legion.
Limit 1 prize per…

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12 Jan

American Legion Pancake Breakfast

Members of Seely-Walsh Post #425 of the American Legion serve delicious pancakes, fried eggs,
toast and sausage. Held at the Legion 601…
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9 Feb

American Legion Pancake Breakfast

Members of Seely-Walsh Post #425 of the American Legion serve delicious pancakes, fried eggs,
toast and sausage. Held at the Legion 601…
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16 Feb

Whittemore Fire Dept & EMS Soup Supper

 WFD & EMS annual soup supper fundraiser!
Serving chicken noodle, cheese and chili along with grilled cheese and desert.
Dine in or…

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22 Feb

American Legion Post #425 Legion Riders

"Wing Night" annual chicken wing feed sponsored by the Legion Riders Post #425
Free-Will donation, several levels of "HEAT" to chose from!
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7 Mar

St. Michael's "Holy Name Society" Annual Lenten Fish Fry

Annual Lenten Fish Fry, serving all you can eat fried or baked fish.
Served with a choice of potato, bread and desert.
Held at St. Michael's…

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9 Mar

American Legion Pancake Breakfast

Members of Seely-Walsh Post #425 of the American Legion serve delicious pancakes, fried eggs,
toast and sausage. Held at the Legion 601…
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